Before Shipment:
General Policy: We typically do not charge cancellation fees for orders cancelled before shipment.
Order Adjustments: If you need to modify your order (e.g., remove items, change variants), please contact our customer support team. They can often adjust your order without incurring any fees.
After Shipment:
Return for Refund: If your order has shipped, you can return it to our warehouse before opening it for a refund. Please note that return shipping costs will be deducted from your refund. To avoid return shipping fees, we strongly recommend cancelling before your order ships.
Third-Party and Special Circumstances:
Third-Party Fees: If a cancellation results in fees from third-party services (e.g., payment processors), these costs will be the customer's responsibility. This applies regardless of when the fees are incurred.
Promotional/Subsidized Orders: Orders placed with special promotions or subsidies may incur third-party fees upon cancellation. These fees will be passed on to the customer and calculated based on our actual costs.